Low-force, gentle technique

Our chiropractors use a gentle, no cracking technique referred to as NeuroImpulse Protocol (NIP).

The protocol allows the practitioners to gently and thoroughly assess the full body and brain function. They treat all areas of the body including the spine, the respiratory system, muscles, extremities and more.

NIP is safe and appropriate for all ages and level of health including newborns, athletes, elderly, and pregnant women. The chiropractors use movement and muscles testing to demonstrate how the brain and body function better after adjustments.

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Meet our Neuro Impulse Protocol (NIP) team

Dr. Lucy Skewes

Dr. Leah Hocking

Chiropractor doing  treatment of knee

Neuro Impulse Protocol (NIP)

Other Services


Dry Needling

Exercise programming

Hamstring Rehabilitation

Injury Management

Lymphoedema and Lipoedema


Oncology Physiotherapy

Paediatric Care


Pregnancy Care

Running Analysis

Soft Tissue Therapy

Workplace Assessments & Third Party Claims
